Films from the 1940s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 49 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
The Tale of the Silly Little Mouse
Сказка о глупом мышонке
Skazka o glupom myshonkye
1940 – 00:14:29 – Russian – Lenfilm – Tsehanovskiy Mihail
Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
9.12 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan), English (ok⭳ – by Babaji, emj999₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan, Eus₂)
A little mouse that can't sleep insists on changing babysitters until he finds one he likes. Based on the poem by Samuil Marshak, featuring the music of Dmitriy Shostakovich.2024-01-272021-02-18 -
Fascist Jackboots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland
Не топтать фашистскому сапогу нашей родины
Ne toptat fashistskomu sapogu nashey rodiny
1941 – 00:02:47 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Ivanov Aleksandr, Ivanov-Vano Ivan
Musical/Opera, Politics, War & battles – drawn (cel), live-action
14.52 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by FBJ, Niffiwan₂)
A fascist anthropomorphic pig tramples the countries of Europe but is attacked by the Red Army upon stepping on the USSR. Released during the early weeks of the war.2022-08-162022-08-15 -
The Titmouse
1944 – 00:07:54 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Ivanov Aleksandr, Pashchenko Mstislav
Comedy, Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
3.18 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Guy Daniels, Niffiwan, Eus₂)
A boastful titmouse announces that she will set the sea on fire, and the world gathers to watch. Based on the children's poem by Ivan Krylov.2022-07-232022-07-22 -
The Aid Program
Скорая помощь
Skoraya pomoshch
1949 – 00:10:39 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Bredis Lamis
Comedy, Politics – drawn (cel)
13.4 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan, Chapaev₂), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella)
Mr. Boa from Boa Street comes to Hareland with an Aid Program, but things are not quite what they seem.2023-10-302023-01-02