The Bear Cub (Медвежонок, 1940) by Olga Hodatayeva, Pyotr Nosov and Aleksandr Yevmenenko

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The Bear Cub
Medvezhonok (ru)

Year 1940
Director(s) Hodatayeva Olga
Nosov Pyotr
Yevmenenko Aleksandr
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:11:49
Wordiness 2.86 profile Ru, En
445 visitors

Date: September 19 2024 21:06:42
Language: English
Quality: ok
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Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan
Date: March 31 2015 12:10:32
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 121 characters long (view)
Creator(s): ?

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The adventures of a bear cub who leaves his mum, gets lost, visits the zoo, and after some adventures, returns home once more with the help of his friends.

There was also a colour version of this film released in the same year, but Russia's state film archive no longer owns a copy.



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