Films from the 2020s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 26 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
Dogs Smell Like the Sea ❤
Собаки пахнут морем
Sobaki pakhnut morem
2020 – 00:04:14 – (wordless) – HSE Art and Design School, SHAR School-Studio – Lisovets Anastasia
Romance, Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D
0 ws
It is like getting a dog, but the dog decided that "someone" else is her owner, not you. And while it is possible to live without this "someone", the dog is frustrated and refuses to go outside. Yet if that "someone" should only ring his bicycle bell, it happily wags its tail and runs to catch "him". And you run after the dog. And, thereby, after "him".2023-04-12 -
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain ❤
Хозяйка Медной горы
Hozyayka Mednoy gory
2020 – 00:13:33 – Russian – SHAR School-Studio – Geller Dmitriy
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), NSFW / 18+, Romance, Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D, live-action, mixed
2.56 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan)
The corpse of a local geologist holding a large emerald is discovered in the Ural taiga. During the investigation of his death, this gem falls into the hands of various people in turn, driving each of them mad. Loosely based on the eponymous folk tale from the Ural Mountains.2023-04-142023-04-14 -
Sugar Show ❤
Сахарное шоу
Saharnoye shou
2020 – 00:07:47 – (wordless) – Pchela – Makaryan Liana
Comedy, NSFW / 18+, Romance – digital 2D
0 ws
A promising prologue to love, which turns out to be a cruel fake.2024-05-01 -
The Toy ❤
2020 – 00:10:50 – (wordless) – Belarusfilm – Shagray Rita
Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic, War & battles – digital 2D
0 ws
War as seen through the eyes of three young children who have lost their parents.2023-01-23 -
The Blue Lion ❤
Синий лев
Siniy lev
2021 – 00:18:04 – (wordless) – Imaka Films, Pchela – Trofimova Zoya
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Misc. – digital 2D, drawn (cel)
0 ws
A lonely peasant welcomes home a distressed kitten who one day becomes a big blue lion. But the villagers are suspicious of this stranger. A film about friendship, the search for happiness, a peaceful life, based on images of Russian folk art.2024-07-22 -
The Lumberjack's Little Acre ❤
Дровосекова краюшка
Drovosekova krayushka
2021 – 00:13:16 – Russian – Pilot – Belyayev Eduard, Pochivalov Aleksey
Comedy, Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR), Musical/Opera – mixed
16.36 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan, Lemicnor₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Lemicnor, Niffiwan₃)
A little wood-sprite, a fairy-like creature living in the swam-lands, steals a piece of bread from a lumberjack, and is forced by his relatives to make amends. So he helps the lumberjack fulfill one of his dreams. Based on a Lithuanian folk tale.2024-12-192024-12-19 -
The World Is Wonderful!
Мир прекрасен!
Mir prekrasen!
2021 – 00:05:37 – Russian – SHAR School-Studio – Kireyeva Yekaterina
Comedy, Religion – digital 2D
5.27 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella)
This is a story about animals that live in a forest where it rains endlessly. They are wet and ill.2024-01-082023-10-04 -
Youtube Countdown - Calm
2021 – 00:10:00 – (wordless) – Little Moving Pictures – Shabanova Arina
Misc., Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D
0 ws
A 10 minute timer/screensaver with music and a clock and always little things happening.2024-05-02