About Crayfish (Про раков, 2003) by Valentin Olshvang

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About Crayfish
Про раков
Pro rakov (ru)
Sobre el cangrejo (es)
Vähkidest (et)
Over rivierkreeften (nl)

Year 2003
Director(s) Olshvang Valentin
Studio(s) A-Film
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:15:28
Wordiness 4.96
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
749 visitors

Pro rakov.2003.en.1.25fps.1252825471.srt
Date: September 13 2009 07:04:31
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan, lanasv

Pro rakov.2003.es.1.25fps.1351267127.srt
Date: October 26 2012 15:58:47
Language: Spanish
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 107 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Yefren

Pro rakov.2003.et.1.25fps.1690126884.srt
Date: July 23 2023 15:41:24
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 72 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

Pro rakov.2003.nl.1.25fps.1337352904.srt
Date: May 18 2012 14:55:04
Language: Dutch
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Eus

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Based on a tragic folk story about a young girl who falls in love with a dragon who lives under the lake.


2003 - "KROK" International Animation Film Festival - Grand Prix
2004 - Open Russian Festival of Animated Film in Suzdal - Jury prize "for the creation of a bright and original artistic world"
2004 - Moscow International Festival of Children's Animated Film "Zolotaya Rybka" (Golden Fish) - Grand Prix
2004 - Espinho International Animated Film Festival - Special Jury prize




CW: Gore in a scene.

Replies: >>2


Indeed. Although I find what happens more disturbing than the way it is visually portrayed, which is why I guess I didn't mark this (I normally really dislike "gore").

By the way, at some point, this site will have a better way of displaying what age category a film is aimed at than a simple "NSFW" genre. So for a film like this, I guess it should clearly be marked as aimed at adults and contraindicated for children (with a "neutral" for teens). There will inevitably be some debatable value judgements involved in that, but on the whole, probably preferable to having no info about that at all.

Replies: >>3


Oh, good to hear! Actually I didn't mind much that the site didn't have many content markings as it is relatively now, so I just marked this in the comments just in case. I think marking it as aimed as adult is good enough to avoid showing it to younger audiences by mistake.

Right now, would it be fine if I mark some "heavy scenes" (graphic stuff) in the comments just in case as CW/TWs (only if it's really present)? or would it be ok to leave it as that? Just wondering !

Replies: >>4


>Right now, would it be fine if I mark some "heavy scenes" (graphic stuff) in the comments just in case as CW/TWs (only if it's really present)?
If you feel like it, sure. I suppose for this one, I thought the words "tragic folk story" in the first sentence was enough of a hint that this wouldn't be easy viewing. Mostly, I've been writing warnings for things like nudity, even when it's not actually objectionable (like in "Olympians" - which has male nudity but which I don't feel deserves the "NSFW" genre). Are there some other things you've noticed, then?

Replies: >>5


Oh besides the CW I punted out here, I was just thinking of pointing out in next films (if I find it) distubing and graphic stuff that are sensitive to the regular audience. (nudity not counting as it is rather natural) For example: scenes of decapitation, SA, self deleting(? and graphic blood scenes


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