Wolf and Calf (Волк и телёнок, 1984) by Mihail Kamenetskiy

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Wolf and Calf
Волк и телёнок
Volk i telyonok (ru)
El lobo y el ternero (es)
Hunt ja vasikas (et)
זאב ועגל (he)
Sói và bê (vi)

Year 1984
Director(s) Kamenetskiy Mihail
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Puppet
Length 00:10:05
Wordiness 9.33
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
249 visitors

Volk i telyonok.1984.en.1.24fps.1670924601.srt
Date: December 13 2022 09:43:21
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 94 characters long (view)
Creator(s): FBJ, Niffiwan

Volk i telyonok.1984.es.1.25fps.1296899670.srt
Date: February 05 2011 09:54:30
Language: Spanish
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 122 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Carolina Valtuille

Volk i telyonok.1984.et.1.24fps.1721209720.srt
Date: July 17 2024 09:48:40
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 155 characters long (view)
Creator(s): matuk, Argopoiss

Volk i telyonok.1984.he.1.25fps.1329538694.srt
Date: February 18 2012 04:18:14
Language: Hebrew
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 93 characters long (view)
Creator(s): shuja1410

Volk i telyonok.1984.ru.1.24fps.1670924678.srt
Date: December 13 2022 09:44:38
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Marian Smolik, RNDr, Dusan Turek, Konceptual CZ, Niffiwan

Volk i telyonok.1984.vi.1.24fps.1672213109.srt
Date: December 28 2022 07:38:29
Language: Vietnamese
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 282 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Cynir

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A wolf decides that a calf is still too little to eat, and decides to adopt him to let him grow a bit bigger... Based on the short story by Mikhail Lipskerov.

Lipskerov's short story How the Wolf Was a Mother to the Calf can be read here. There is a poetic version here.

Through this paradoxical issue, the audiences will learn that family love is not only a fulcrum for children's soul, but even the responsibility of cultivating the family tree also makes heartless adults, whom must gradually change their perception.

A Wolf stole into a farm and caught a newborn Calf. Because this animal was so young, Wolf decided to raise it to eat better meat. However, the upbringing process caused the two to develop an almost father-son relationship. Wolf began to care about educating Calf and even taught him how to avoid bad habits from scoundrels.



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