Films from the 2000s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 184 in database (2 films still need English subtitles).
A Cat and a Half ❤
Полтора кота
Poltora kota
2002 – 00:27:25 – Russian – DAGO – Hrzhanovskiy Andrey
Biography, Domestic life, Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Literature (Rus./USSR minorities), Politics, Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic – cutout, digital 2D, drawn (cel), drawn (not cel), live-action, mixed
12.89 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Niffiwan, SHAR)
A partly-animated biography of exiled Russian-Jewish poet and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996), based on his letters and drawings.2023-11-092023-06-06 -
The Red Gate of Rashomon
Красные ворота Расёмон
Krasnyye vorota Rasyomon
2002 – 00:11:00 – Russian – Classica Film Studio, Pilot – Tatarskiy Aleksandr, Telegin Valentin
Comedy, Politics, Surrealism/dream-logic – drawn (not cel)
9.85 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by ?, Niffiwan₂), Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Pastella)
In an alternative future where Japan won the Second World War while allied with Russia, a speed-skating match is held between Russia's and Japan's champions.2022-09-232022-09-22 -
The Pilot Brothers. Road Safety
Братья Пилоты. Правила дорожного движения
Bratya Piloty. Pravila dorozhnogo dvizheniya
2007 – 00:05:52 – Russian – Pilot – Chernova Yelena
Comedy, Domestic life – digital 2D
22.13 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Niffiwan)
A series of 30-second comedic cartoons about road safety starring the Pilot Brothers, made for the Russian Association of Motor Insurers.2022-09-172022-09-16 -
The Tiny Fish ❤
2007 – 00:09:29 – (wordless) – Ani – Ryabov Sergey
Misc. – cutout
0 ws
The small child's world is wonderful and extremely complex. A seemingly unimportant event can lead to tragic disaster in child's life. On the other hand, the kindness of a baby's soul is capable of working miracles, even animating a tiny fish...2023-03-18 -
The Law of Life ❤
Закон жизни
Zakon zhizni
2008 – 00:08:58 – (wordless) – Saint Petersburg State University for Film Industry and Television – Gilmetdinov Rishat
Literature (non-Rus./USSR), Serious – digital 2D
0 ws
A story of the last hours of the old and dying Native American chief Koskoosh. Based on the 1901 story by Jack London.2022-02-09 -
A Trip to the Seaside ❤
Поездка к морю
Poyezdka k moryu
2008 – 00:07:00 – (wordless) – Snega – Bisyarina Nina
Domestic life – digital 2D
0 ws
Three days on a train.2021-02-12