The Pilot Brothers. Road Safety (Братья Пилоты. Правила дорожного движения, 2007) by Yelena Chernova

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The Pilot Brothers. Road Safety
Братья Пилоты. Правила дорожного движения
Bratya Piloty. Pravila dorozhnogo dvizheniya (ru)

Year 2007
Director(s) Chernova Yelena
Studio(s) Pilot
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Domestic life
Animation Type(s)  Digital 2D
Length 00:05:52
Wordiness 22.13 profile Ru, En
330 visitors

Bratya Piloty. Pravila dorozhnogo
Date: September 17 2022 04:21:59
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 299 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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This film is part of the The Koloboks / Pilot Brothers series.


A series of 30-second comedic cartoons about road safety starring the Pilot Brothers, made for the Russian Association of Motor Insurers.

There were 10 made in 2007 (they can be downloaded on their site separately here), and it seems that at least one more was made afterwards, in 2009 (the one at 2:40 above, about the car accident). The last few in the video above have a choppy frame rate that was not there originally.

Some of the very fast dialogue around the 1-minute mark has been left untranslated. Please leave a comment or submit a correction if you can make it out!



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