What an Absent-Minded Person (Вот какой рассеянный, 1975) by Marianna Novogrudskaya

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What an Absent-Minded Person
So Absent-Minded
Вот какой рассеянный
Vot kakoy rasseyannyy (ru)
Milline hajameelsus (et)

Year 1975
Director(s) Novogrudskaya Marianna
Studio(s) Ekran
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Length 00:10:02
Wordiness 7.32
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
359 visitors

Vot kakoy rasseyannyy.1975.en.1.25fps.1611126221.srt
Date: January 20 2021 07:03:41
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 396 characters long (view)
Creator(s): NatBrown, Eus, Niffiwan

Vot kakoy rasseyannyy.1975.et.1.25fps.1548987452.srt
Date: February 01 2019 02:17:32
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 95 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

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Based on a poem by Samuil Marshak about an incredibly absent-minded man from Leningrad.

With beautiful art-direction by Galina Beda.

In the second video above, the cartoon is included in the popular nightly Soviet children's show, "Goodnight, Children" - it begins at 3:40 (the opening credits are cut out).



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