The Liu Brothers (Братья Лю, 1953) by Dmitriy Babichenko

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The Liu Brothers
Brothers Lu
Lu Brothers
Brothers Liu
Братья Лю
Bratya Lyu (ru)
Fratoj Lu (eo)
Vennad Lü'd (et)

Year 1953
Director(s) Babichenko Dmitriy
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:28:31
Wordiness 7.38 profile Ru, En
553 visitors

Date: June 23 2022 22:06:17
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 920 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan

Date: November 25 2013 18:07:57
Language: Esperanto
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 368 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Audvide

Date: September 08 2023 15:02:30
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 328 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

Date: June 23 2022 22:04:23
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 655 characters long (view)
Creator(s): анониМ, Niffiwan

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Three identical brothers lived in China a long time ago. They were so similar that even their own mother could distinguish them only by the color of ribbons tied to their wrists.

Each of them had a unique skill: one of them commanded fire, the other - water (that is, he could drink the whole sea, and then return all the water back), and the third could understand the language of birds, beasts and fish. In addition to such unusual skills, the brothers had a good nature - they willingly helped people cope with their troubles and protected animals.

The surname of the brothers is sometimes transliterated as "Lu" in English sources, but "Liu" seems to be the correct one (because that particular Chinese surname is written "Лю" in Russian, and that's the name of the brothers here, while "Lu" would be written "Лу").

The above video is at 25fps and the colours are rather dark, but it has the original soundtrack. In 2001, a "restoration" was done that completely replaced the soundtrack with an inferior synthesized one, and also improved the colours (but removed a few seconds right after the tree-felling scene). The English and Esperanto subtitles become out of sync for that version after that scene (around the 10-minute mark); conversely, the Russian and Estonian subtitles become out of sync for the earlier version of the film. Because of that, there are two videos above, the pre-2001 unrestored one (27:17, 25fps, with selectable English & Esperanto subs) and the 2001 restored one but with original soundtrack (27:24, 25fps, with selectable Russian and Estonian subs).




Coincidentally in Canada there is also a music band who is called as «Liu Brothers» (by Chinese fans) or «Lưu Triplets» (by Vietnamese fans). They are Vietnamese-Chinese men but born in Canada. So the original text is called as «劉氏四兄弟» or «劉家兄弟故事».


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