Films from the 1990s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 211 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
The Cat's Windmill ❤
Kaķīša dzirnaviņas
Kakisa dzirnavinas
1994 – 00:56:30 – Latvian – Dauka – Stiebra Roze
Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities), Literature (Rus./USSR minorities) – drawn (cel)
6.1 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by ?), English (needs_work⭳ – by Ruru Chii, help me₂)
Once upon a time, a cat owned a windmill. A charming but little-known animated feature from Latvia, based on a beloved story written in 1913 by Kārlis Skalbe.2017-10-252021-02-17 -
The Life of a Grey Bear ❤
Жизнь серого медведя
Zhizn serogo medvedya
1994 – 00:15:26 – Russian – Saratovtelefilm – Belyayev Eduard
Literature (non-Rus./USSR), Serious – cutout, plasticine (2D)
4.62 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by ), Spanish (unknown⭳ – by ), Dutch (unknown⭳ – by ), Russian (unknown⭳ – by )
The life and death of a grizzly bear. Based on the 1900 story by Ernest Thompson Seton.2021-09-072021-09-01 -
Russian Sugar (commercial)
Русский сахар (реклама)
Russkiy sahar (reklama)
1994 – 00:02:04 – (wordless) – (no studio) – Norshteyn Yuriy
Misc. – cutout
0 ws
Four short commercials that Norshteyn did from 1994-1995 for the company "Russian Sugar".2021-01-30 -
The Insolent Goat ❤
1995 – 00:08:00 – Ukrainian – Kiev Studio of Animated Films – Smirnova Irina
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera – paint
12.76 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, AudioTomCat₃), English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, AudioTomCat₃), French (unknown⭳ – by Iryna Dmytrychyn), Russian (ok⭳ – by Niffiwan, AudioTomCat₃)
An insolent goat tricks a man into fighting with his family, then takes over the house of a hare, who calls on other forest animals to help get her out.2023-10-182020-12-18