Subtitles for The Quest for Olwen (1990)
July 19 2017 22:52:02
Created by ?, enviousdominous₂, Eus₂, Niffiwan₃
V poiskakh ⭳
Quality: ok
These subtitles are based on an English transcript posted by enviousdominious from an unknown source in October 2016. Eus created subtitles from this transcription in 2017. They are for the Welsh version of the film - the Russian-language version is a bit different and it doesn't fully coincide.
Because this is taken from an English transcript, it doesn't correspond entirely to the Welsh script either. For example, the narration between 4:10 and 4:38 is untranslated because it was not present in either the English or the Russian script (if you can speak Welsh and know what is said, please contact us!)
6:08 - not sure whether "in the new gown" is accurate...
17:45-17:48 - untranslated Welsh dialogue
From 21:12 onwards, the credits in the subtitles are a translation from the Russian version, not the Welsh. The names as well as the order listed in the Russian and Welsh versions of the film differ:
Only in the Russian, Igor Oleynikov is listed as one of the art directors, Gennadiy
Morozov, Anna Yaguzhinskaya and Olga Grishanova are listed as background artists
Only in the Welsh, John Idris Owen is listed as script editor
In RUssia, Gennadiy Papin is listed as sound engineer, while in Welsh his place is replaced by Vladimir Kutuov
Video preview(s): Multiplier is 1.
Offset is 0. Multiplier is 1.
Offset is 4.5.
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