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Subtitles for Kolobok (1956)

December 31 2023 07:31:55
Created by Eus, Niffiwan, Alevtina ⭳
Quality: ok

Original subtitles made by Alevtina & Eus in October 2017. Revised by Niffiwan in December 2023. Some of the rhymes rhyme in translation, while others do not.

At 00:38, a reference is made to Sivka-Burka, veshchaya kaurka (Сивка-Бурка вещая каурка), a magical horse of three colour combinations that would never be seen in nature that always tells its rider the right way to go when there is a fork in the road "(for a decent Russian article about it, see here). It was translated to English in a more "accessible" way so as to avoid having to add a long footnote.

The line at 7:31 is uncertain (since the original Russian couldn't quite be deciphered).

The very last line at 9:45 is a very common story ending, but is tricky to translate. The current translation comes close, but is a bit grammatically awkward. It's used in the same place where you'd see "and lived happily ever after" in an English fairy tale.

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