Alice's Birthday (День рождения Алисы, 2009) by Sergey Seryogin

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Alice's Birthday
День рождения Алисы
Den rozhdeniya Alisy (ru)
El cumpleaños de Alicia (es)
Alisa sünnipäev (et)

Year 2009
Director(s) Seryogin Sergey
Studio(s) Master-Film
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Musical/Opera
Sci-fi & space
Animation Type(s)  Digital 2D
Length 01:30:06
Wordiness 13.37 profile Ru, En
683 visitors

Den rozhdeniya
Date: June 16 2021 07:28:48
Language: English
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Den rozhdeniya
Date: September 10 2014 23:34:48
Language: Spanish
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Creator(s): Don Medina

Den rozhdeniya
Date: July 16 2024 16:31:00
Language: Estonian
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Den rozhdeniya
Date: September 27 2021 14:25:35
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): konst1

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Schoolgirl Alice accompanies a scientific expedition to a planet that died of a plague 100 years earlier.

She then travels back in time to before the plague hit, to a civilization that looks very similar to the USSR in the 1960s.

This film is a "spiritual sequel" to the 1980s classic The Secret of the Third Planet, based on the same series of books, and with art direction slightly influenced by the earlier film. This one is not as beloved as the earlier film, however.



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