Treasure Island (part 2). Captain Flint's Treasures (Остров сокровищ. Фильм 2. Сокровища капитана Флинта, 1988) by David Cherkasskiy

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Treasure Island (part 2). Captain Flint's Treasures
Остров сокровищ. Фильм 2. Сокровища капитана Флинта
Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana Flinta (ru)
Островът на съкровищата. Част 2. Съкровището на капитан Флинт (bg)
Schatzinsel. Film 2. Captain Flints Schatz (de)
Aarete saar. Teine film. Kapten Flinti aare (et)

Year 1988
Director(s) Cherkasskiy David
Studio(s) Kievnauchfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Literature (non-Rus./USSR)
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Drawn (cel)
Length 00:59:17
Wordiness 11 profile Ru, En
686 visitors

Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana
Date: December 07 2021 08:37:34
Language: Bulgarian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Жукороп

Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana
Date: October 10 2011 22:05:34
Language: German
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 93 characters long (view)
Creator(s): ?,

Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana
Date: April 19 2009 20:54:00
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Mr. Icon

Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana
Date: December 05 2024 10:22:25
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 72 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

Ostrov sokrovishch. Film 2. Sokrovishcha kapitana
Date: November 08 2003 15:28:10
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 69 characters long (view)

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A group of unlikely adventurers search for pirate treasure. Adapted from the 1883 novel. Part 2.

The two parts were later combined into one film, and also released dubbed in English (but 34 minutes shorter, because all the live-action parts were cut).

A good-quality version of the film can also be seen on Youtube. There are English subtitles available (they are the same ones).




Wait, why does at line 418 the English subs says:

>(The fansubber wants to thank his most amazing wife!)

Replies: >>2


I suppose Mr. Icon wanted to publicly thank his wife. That's a fair point, I think that line should probably be moved to the end. It's distracting to have messages from the translator before the film is over.

A more serious problem that I didn't notice until now is that the subs become out of sync not long into the film... I've now corrected it, but the final values I ended up with are really weird (0.998 and 0.999 multipliers for the English and Russian subs).


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