Afanasiy and Trimurti (pilot) (Афанасий и Тримурти, 2015) by Yuriy Batanin

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Afanasiy and Trimurti (pilot)
Афанасий и Тримурти
Afanasiy i Trimurti (ru)

Year 2015
Director(s) Batanin Yuriy
Studio(s) Polar Star
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Digital 2D
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:04:22
Wordiness 3.37
541 visitors

Afanasiy i
Date: March 27 2021 22:27:32
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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Pilot video for the unreleased animated feature Afanasiy and Trimurti, to be based on the journals of Afanasiy Nikitin, a 15th-century Russian explorer who visited Persia and India.

This project was created by many of the same people behind the animated feature Prince Vladimir (2006). However, they have so far been unable to get either the government or private investors interested in funding its completion. An interesting and in-depth interview about the project can be found here (in Russian, it also includes a lot of images from it). The pre-production is generally completed, with the screenplay written, some music recorded and the whole film planned out.




I think this looks like a very interesting project and I hope it gets made.

As for this preview, probably a bit more text/narration about who the main character IS would have been good. Anyone who doesn't know the history of what Afanasiy Nikitin did or what makes him interesting (which would be the vast majority of people in the West, not sure about within Russia) would find this video pretty confusing - "Why are there Oriental-looking people? Why is there a bizarre mishmash of Indian and Russian folk culture?". In the interview by Pyotr Akhlamov, Aleksey Olegovich does a very good job explaining what makes this man and his journey interesting. Perhaps a few of the key sentences could have been added to the beginning...


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