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Subtitles for Why Does the Camel Need an Orange? (1986)

January 07 2024 20:11:05
Created by Niffiwan, Chapaev, Eus
Zachem verblyudu ⭳
Quality: ok

Originally translated by Eus based on Chapaev's transcription in Jan 2020. Extensively revised/retranslated by Niffiwan in Jan 2024 to break up long lines, correct translation mistakes and make it more poetic. The lyrics now often rhyme, or else they have the same (or a similar) number of syllables.

Also, the play of words and meanings with the three words in the title (Why, Camel, Orange) has been made more explicit by keeping the order of the words and the meaning of the sentence in translation, and also having them be on three different lines.

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