Vardavar - Festival of Roses (Вардевар - праздник роз, 1989) by Yuriy Muradyan

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Vardavar - Festival of Roses
Вардевар - праздник роз
Vardevar - prazdnik roz (ru)
Вардавар - празник на рози (bg)
Vardevar - rooside pidu (et)
Hội hoa hồng (vi)
浮華節 (zh)

Year 1989
Director(s) Muradyan Yuriy
Studio(s) Armenfilm
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities)
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Length 00:08:37 profile Ru, En
411 visitors

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Vardevar is an ancient holiday still celebrated in Armenia. On this day, residents merrily pour water over each other, release doves and scatter rose petals. It stands for the coming of peace and forgetting of mutual grievances.



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