Seasons (Времена года, 1969) by Ivan Ivanov-Vano and Yuriy Norshteyn

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Времена года
Vremena goda (ru)
Годишните времена (bg)
Aastaajad (et)

Year 1969
Director(s) Ivanov-Vano Ivan
Norshteyn Yuriy
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Misc.
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Stop motion (3D)
Length 00:09:29 profile Ru, En
622 visitors

(No subtitles available)

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This film tells the story of a young couple in love and their experiences during each of the year's seasons, accompanied by the wonderful music of Chaykovskiy.

In blossoming spring they will meet each other, and in sultry summer enjoy every moment together. In autumn comes the time comes for parting, and in winter, the long-awaited reunion. Each of these intervals shows the inner psychology of the characters, their different relationships with each other. At the same time, through the actions of the heroes, the folk motifs of Russian traditional seasonal entertainment and celebrations and the incomparable beauty of Russian nature are transmitted.

The film uses traditional folk lace and Vyatka toys for its visuals.

The video above is in the original film frame rate (24 fps), but the credits are replaced with English ones.

There is some confusion about who is to be listed as "director" - the film itself lists Norshteyn as director and animator, and Ivanov-Vano as responsible for the screenplay and "production", however, the two film festival awards for this film were given to Ivanov-Vano, and Norshteyn has not talked much about this film (it does not get mentioned in his books, nor is it present in the Norshteyn DVD/Bluray collections). It is probably safe to say that both Norshteyn and Ivanov-Vano had significant input.



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