The Little Monkeys. Emergency (Обезьянки. Скорая помощь, 1997) by Leonid Shvartsman

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The Little Monkeys. Emergency
The Little Monkeys. Ambulance
Обезьянки. Скорая помощь
Obezyanki. Skoraya pomoshch (ru)

Year 1997
Director(s) Shvartsman Leonid
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Domestic life
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:08:55
Wordiness 2.63 profile Ru, En
310 visitors

Obezyanki. Skoraya
Date: July 01 2024 05:22:29
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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This film is part of the Little Monkeys series.


The Little Monkeys emergency service runs around and fixes what is wrong around town. Almost wordless.

This was the final film in the "Little Monkeys" series, the final film to be directed by Leonid Shvartsman, and also one of the final films to be made by the original Soyuzmultfilm studio (before it was liquidated and replaced by another of the same name in 2000, which however did not have the original staff).

The name is the Russian word for "ambulance", but literally means "speedy help" (which is basically what happens in the film).

This film seems to only have been officially released as a VHS around that time, along with the rest of the series.

The first video above has lighter colours than the second.



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