Micro Life Moments (Из жизни одноклеточных, 2012) by Natalya Grofpel

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Micro Life Moments
From the Life of Unicellular Organisms
Из жизни одноклеточных
Iz zhizni odnokletochnykh (ru)
От живота на едноклетъчни (bg)
Ainuraksete elust (et)

Year 2012
Director(s) Grofpel Natalya
Studio(s) VGIK
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Comedy
NSFW / 18+
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:04:20
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
268 visitors

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A professor, watching the development of a love story between an amoeba and a microbe, sees in it his own life situation.




Natalya Grofpel's first film.

I was quite impressed by the animation, but the story didn't really grab me. Also, unfortunately, the musical selections are very famous pieces that are overused (as is common in student films).


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