Films from the 2010s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 162 in database (8 films still need English subtitles).
Itsihitanantsu ❤
2011 – 00:15:01 – (wordless) – Animos – Ryss Natalya
Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR), Surrealism/dream-logic – cutout, digital 2D
0 ws
Three brothers go to the forest for brushwood. Their old father warns them of danger, but one of the brothers doesn't heed his warning and answers the voices of the forest spirits. Based on African folklore.2022-02-09 -
The Last Gulp ❤
Последний глоток
Posledniy glotok
2011 – 00:14:38 – (wordless), English – SHAR School-Studio – Boguslavskiy Georgiy
Misc., Surrealism/dream-logic – live-action, powder
0 ws
A pilot makes a crash landing among the desert sands, and attempts to escape, having with him only a flask with several draughts of water.2021-06-01 -
Mother and Son ❤
Мать и сын
Mat i syn
2011 – 00:14:05 – (wordless) – Animos – Ushakov Andrey
Domestic life – digital 2D, drawn (not cel)
0 ws
A son takes his elderly mother from her rural home to a new destination but accidentally leaves her dog behind.2022-01-04