Three Lakes of Deepest, Darkest Blue
Три синих-синих озера малинового цвета
Tri sinikh-sinikh ozera malinovogo tsveta (ru)
478 visitors
Три синих-синих озера малинового цвета
Tri sinikh-sinikh ozera malinovogo tsveta (ru)
Year | 1981 |
Director(s) | Saakyants Robert |
Studio(s) | Armenfilm Gosteleradio USSR |
Language(s) | Russian |
Genre(s) | Comedy Literature (Rus./USSR minorities) Surrealism/dream-logic |
Animation Type(s) | Drawn (cel) |
Length | 00:08:08 |
Wordiness | 13.81 | profile | Ru, En |
⭳ Tri sinikh-sinikh ozera malinovogo
Date: December 26 2009 19:32:53
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Mr. Icon
⭳ Tri sinikh-sinikh ozera malinovogo
Date: December 26 2009 19:32:53
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Mr. Icon
Based on the story "The Fibbing Hunter" by O. Tumanyan.
The two videolinks above have a different colour gamut. We don't know which version is closer to the original intent. The second one is perhaps unnaturally saturated.
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