(Письма куклы, 2016) от Наталия Грофпел

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Письма куклы
Pisma kukly (ru)
The Doll's Letters (en)
Nuku kiri (et)

Година 2016
Режисьор(и) Грофпел Наталия
Студиа VGIK
Езици (безмълвен)
Жанрове Домашен живот
Вид анимация  дигитална 2D
Дължина 00:06:39
Профил в animator.ru Ru, En
111 посетители

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It seems to me that this one and Grofpel's previous film are aimed not at little children but at the mothers of little children.

Also, I've been noticing that many of the films that get uploaded to Vimeo seem to be aimed at a certain "Vimeo animation" audience, which is the same one that graduates of other animation schools in the West seem to aim at. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there are some similarities in these films, and it's almost like a "house style". One part of it is that they tend to be wordless, and moreover "culturally ambiguous".


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