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Subtitles for Leopold the Cat's Revenge (1975)

April 03 2023 22:04:39
Created by Niffiwan, Русские мультфильмы
Mest kota ⭳
Quality: good

Translation by Niffiwan, timings from the Russian subs from the "Русские мультфильмы" Youtube channel.

The songs are translated to rhyme, which sometimes means the translation isn't exact. A fully accurate translation of the first song (00:46) would go something like:

In house number eight-slash-sixteen / Lives a cat.
Not a wink of sleep, brothers / Will he let us have.
Day and night, our only concerns / Are to think of how
We can more quickly settle scores with / That, obviously, that cat.

We are fearless, we're audacious / And we're strong!
Not for nothing do people call us "gnawers" *
Once we drop that cat in a puddle
Then we can all say together: "That was mice!" **

*means "rodents" in Russian)
**"Krysota" is a pun on "Krasota" (that was beautiful) and "Krysy" (rats) - since they're actually both mice anyway, that was translated that into a mice-related pun using the English expression "that was nice!"

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