Now I See You
Теперь я вижу тебя
Teper ya vichu tebya (ru)
Ahora te veo (es)
383 visitors
Теперь я вижу тебя
Teper ya vichu tebya (ru)
Ahora te veo (es)
Year | 2016 |
Director(s) | Sineokaya Diana |
Studio(s) | Pchela |
Language(s) | Spanish |
Genre(s) | Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR) Surrealism/dream-logic |
Animation Type(s) | Digital 2D |
Length | 00:12:00 | profile | Ru, En |
(No subtitles available)
While the heroes dream of colored mirages, the black shadow of merciless reality follows them. Based on African and Latin American folklore, set to a Spanish-language song.
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I think the art style is interesting, but the animation rather stiff. Also, I personally don't understand what's going on in this one. Hope someone else has better luck!