We'll Keep Our Eyes Peeled (Будем зорки, 1927) by Nikolay Hodatayev

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We'll Keep Our Eyes Peeled
We'll Be Watchful
Будем зорки
Budem zorki (ru)

Year 1927
Director(s) Hodatayev Nikolay
Studio(s) Mezhrabpom-Rus
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Politics
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:02:46
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
365 visitors

(No subtitles available)

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The film is about how the participation of the population in the activity of the state is necessary to defeat international capitalism.

It's English hard-subbed. The soundtrack in the first video is a popular song of the era. The second video is a fan-restoration that removes the English subtitles.



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