Puss in Boots (Кот в сапогах, 1995) by Garri Bardin

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Puss in Boots
Кот в сапогах
Kot v sapogakh (ru)
Saabastega kass (et)

Year 1995
Director(s) Bardin Garri
Studio(s) Stayer
Language(s) English
Genre(s) Comedy
Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR)
Animation Type(s)  Puppet
Stop motion (3D)
Length 00:27:09
Wordiness 5.22
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
336 visitors

Kot v sapogakh.1995.en.1.25fps.1672942300.srt
Date: January 05 2023 18:11:40
Language: English
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 298 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Leonid Storch, Teenator

Kot v sapogakh.1995.et.1.25fps.1600716950.srt
Date: September 21 2020 19:35:50
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 95 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

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An American cat tries to help a Russian peasant bloke emigrate from his mudhole country to America, but they get no further than France before crashing to Earth... based on the traditional fairy tale with a political 1990s twist.

An interesting snapshot of the mentality of that particular era, with lots of humour. The cat speaks only English and the man speaks only Russian. The French nobility speak only French, while count Herr Kaput speaks only German. The subtitles translate only the Russian dialogue (though strictly speaking, it is not really necessary), and transcribe most of the French and German.

The second video is from Bardin's own Youtube channel, but the colours in it are not as good.

Won a number of awards in 1996-7: the Grand Prix in London, and the Jury Prize in Annecy, Hiroshima, Bourg-en-Bresse and Espinho).



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