Why Does the Camel Need an Orange? (Зачем верблюду апельсин?, 1986) by Yulian Kalisher

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Why Does the Camel Need an Orange?
Why - Camel - Orange?
Зачем верблюду апельсин?
Zachem verblyudu apelsin? (ru)

Year 1986
Director(s) Kalisher Yulian
Studio(s) Ekran
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Length 00:09:18
Wordiness 17.41
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
184 visitors

Zachem verblyudu apelsin.1986.en.1.25fps.1704658265.srt
Date: January 07 2024 20:11:05
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 555 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan, Chapaev, Eus

Zachem verblyudu apelsin.1986.ru.1.25fps.1704642776.srt
Date: January 07 2024 15:52:56
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 160 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Chapaev, Eus, Niffiwan

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A musically playful, absurd animation in which each Russian word in the title (Why, Camel, Orange) stands for a plot and tale of its own.

The three words of the Russian title are switched around and modified three times:

00:28 - Зачем верблюду апельсин?
Zachem verblyudu apelsin?
(WHY does the CAMEL need an ORANGE?)
- features a song asking WHY a giraffe has a long neck

02:52 - Верблюд зачем апельсину?
Verblyud zachem apelsinu?
(the CAMEL - WHY is it needed by the ORANGE?)
- features a song in which a horse asks what makes the CAMEL so special

05:47 - Верблюду зачем апельсин?
Verblyudu zachem apelsin?
(the CAMEL - WHY does he need an ORANGE?)
- features a song in which a little creature really wants an ORANGE that a rhinoceros has on its horn

And there's also a final song at 08:47.

Based on the lyrics of Eduard Uspenskiy and the Armenian poet/scriptwriter A. Vatyan, with music by Vladimir Nazarov, and performed by a folk music ensemble under his direction.




I know of no other Russian animation director whose work is so heavily influenced by camels.


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