Restless Night (Беспокойная ночь, 1987) by Aleksandr Fedulov

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Restless Night
An Anxious Night
Беспокойная ночь
Bespokoynaya noch (ru)
Đêm khó ngủ (vi)

Year 1987
Director(s) Fedulov Aleksandr
Studio(s) Ekran
Language(s) English
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:01:05
Wordiness 5.35 profile Ru, En
203 visitors

Date: July 06 2022 04:37:37
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan, Cynir

Date: July 04 2022 15:34:07
Language: Vietnamese
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Cynir

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A short public service skit about conserving water, featuring the Wolf and Hare from the "You Just Wait" series.

Ignore the Disney logo at the start in the video above - it must've been added just to be funny. There's also a version of here without that, but it can only be watched on Youtube without subs.

This is an example of the very short, simple "PSA"-type assignments that some animation directors of the late Soviet era had to do from time to time, especially at Ekran studio (which was the official TV animation studio). Often, they would be interspersed with the actual "artistic" works that those same directors made, and often there wouldn't be much in common between them (certainly the case with Fedulov, whose personal projects were very different). These would often use popular characters from well-known cartoons to deliver some sort of simple message, often a particular initiative of the government - in this case, the Hare and the Wolf from the "You Just Wait" (Nu, pogodi!) series, although drawn in a different style.



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