The Cat Who Walked By Herself (Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе, 1988) by Ideya Garanina

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(click the "Compare" button to compare selected revisions)
EditID username editTime Details Comments
7712 Admin 2023-12-17 13:24:12
+ Subtitle (id:2596) (es)+ Subtitle (id:2597) (it)↺ Video link+  Other subtitle(s)↺ Video link+  Other subtitle(s)+ 2 Other language names
4356 Admin 2022-07-31 22:27:47
− 2 Video links+ 1 Video link↺ Description
2605 Admin 2021-10-25 23:14:39
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link↺ Description
1316 Admin 2021-04-18 01:23:42
↺ Video link↺  Aspect ratio↺ Video link↺  Aspect ratio
correcting aspect ratio of two of the vids
398 Admin 2021-01-19 17:35:37
↺ Description
294 Admin 2021-01-08 00:00:49
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link+ 1 Genre+ Description
89 Admin 2020-12-20 18:27:55
+ Subtitle (id:17) (en)+ 2 Video links
adding 2 more videolinks. Might need to modify timings for the last one.
88 Admin 2020-12-20 17:28:39
87 Admin 2020-12-20 17:26:57
Subtitle (id:16) (en)↺  contents+  upload notes
86 Admin 2020-12-20 17:07:39
+ Subtitle (id:16) (en)+ 1 Video link+ Default English Name+ 1 Other English name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Director+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ ID+ 4 Animation techniques+ 1 Genre+ 1 Language+ Favourite