Films from the 1960s
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Results per page: Total results: films needing English subtitles (136 out of 137 do not).
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Results per page: Total results: films needing English subtitles (136 out of 137 do not).
Oh, My! Oh, Wow! Would You Look at That!
Uhti, uhti, uhkesti...
Uhti, uhti, uhkesti...
1969 – 00:08:54 – Estonian – Tallinnfilm – Pars Heino
Comedy, Domestic life, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera – cutout
5.68 ws – Subtitles: Estonian (unknown⭳ – by Argopoiss)
Consists of two short stories: "Centipede" / Sadajalgne and "Bast Shoe, Bubble and Straw" / Kukk, mull ja õled.2023-10-21
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