It's Hot in Africa (В Африке жарко, 1936) by Dmitriy Babichenko and Aleksandr Belyakov

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It's Hot in Africa
В Африке жарко
V Afrikye zharko (ru)
Phi châu nóng bức (vi)

Year 1936
Director(s) Babichenko Dmitriy
Belyakov Aleksandr
Studio(s) Soyuzdetmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:08:33
Wordiness 1.61 profile Ru, En
307 visitors

V Afrikye
Date: April 26 2022 08:24:31
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 151 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan

V Afrikye
Date: November 21 2023 21:16:51
Language: Vietnamese
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Cynir

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A monkey travels from Africa to the Arctic to bring back some ice cream for his jungle friends.

This was the first animated film made at Soyuzmultfilm studio, which had just been created by closing the various small studios that had existed in Moscow, centralizing everything in one location and forcing them to switch from cutout animation to cel animation.

Unfortunately, the soundtrack did not survive! Originally, it seems that there was some dialogue and even a song or two. The soundtrack there now was added later - this one is by Vertikalny Kinozal, which I found less annoying/repetitive that the one in the second video. A somewhat nicer-quality version can also be watched at In its current state, the film is almost wordless and there are only two signs that need to be translated.

The aspect ratio was originally wrong (the circles looked quite squished). A correction has been attempted here, but it is approximate.

Plot summary:
In Africa, it has been a particularly hot summer. Animals - from crocodiles and hippos to monkeys - languish due to the absence of shade, coolness and, of course, ice cream. So one of the monkeys goes on a daring expedition to the North Pole. He returns from there in the company of a walrus, who helps to bring a whole crate of ice cream. Animals immediately line up in a queue for this treat. Then they escort the walrus home, laden with African gifts - exotic coconuts, pineapples and bananas.



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