How a House Was Built for the Kitten (Как котёнку построили дом, 1963) by Roman Kachanov

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EditID username editTime Details Comments
3599 Admin 2022-03-10 16:10:50
Subtitle (id:1256) (ru)↺  contents
formatting fix
3597 Admin 2022-03-09 20:56:57
+ Subtitle (id:1256) (ru)↺ Video link+ 1  Subtitle
3067 Admin 2021-12-15 22:24:38
Subtitle (id:1024) (es)↺  upload notes− 1  creator+ 1  creator
3065 Admin 2021-12-15 15:35:26
Subtitle (id:1022) (en)↺  contents↺  quality rating (good)+  upload notes+ 1  creator
improved English translation
3064 Admin 2021-12-15 15:33:19
Subtitle (id:1022) (en)↺  contents+ 1  creator
3063 Admin 2021-12-15 15:31:58
+ Subtitle (id:1022) (en)+ Subtitle (id:1023) (en)+ Subtitle (id:1024) (es)+ 1 Video link+ Default English Name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Other language name+ 1 Director+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ ID+ 1 Animation technique+ 2 Genres+ 1 Language+ Description+ Favourite
another Roman Kachanov film