Films from the 1990s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 216 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
Andrey Svislotskiy ❤
Андрей Свислоцкий
Andrey Svislotskiy
1991 – 00:18:34 – (wordless) – Pilot – Kovalyov Igor
Surrealism/dream-logic – drawn (cel)
0 ws
A strange and surreal film without words or music. Winner of awards at Oberhausen and Krakow festivals in 1992.2021-01-04 -
The Departure ❤
Ärasõit , Отъезд
Arasoit, Otyezd
1991 – 00:10:04 – (wordless), Russian – Tallinnfilm – Ernits Heiki
NSFW / 18+, Politics, Surrealism/dream-logic – drawn (not cel)
0.52 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Niffiwan)
A man tries to find something to drink during a train trip. In each car there are people of different groups, social strata and character. A simple, comfortable life seems impossible, and everything that one holds dear slips through one's fingers...2022-02-242022-02-22 -
Horse, Violin... and a Little Nervous ❤
Лошадь, скрипка... и немножко нервно
Loshad, skripka... i nemnozhko nervno
1991 – 00:26:38 – (wordless) – Lenfilm – Yevteyeva Irina
Biography, Literature (Rus./East Slavic), Surrealism/dream-logic – direct-on-film, live-action, mixed, powder
0 ws
A surreal film-portrait of poet Vladimir Mayakovsky based on his eponymous poem.2024-07-24 -
The Tale of a Silly Chick
Казка пра неразумнае птушанятка
Kazka pra nerazumnaye ptushanyatka
1994 – 00:09:45 – (wordless) – Belarusfilm – Petkevich Vladimir
Religion, Surrealism/dream-logic – cutout, drawn (cel), mixed
0 ws
A parable about meaning of life, starring a recently-hatched chick who can transform into different creatures.2023-02-05